© Nodus 2020 | Rincón 500 | Tel: +598 2916 3938 | nodus@nodus.com.uy


Nodus Code of Conduct

Business ethics, integrity and compliance standards

Nodus is firmly committed to the highest standards of

business ethics, integrity and compliance.

The Nodus Code of Conduct provides a principled guide to the daily operation of business in accordance with the values of the Nodus companies.

It is the cornerstone of the Compliance programme, compiling and expressing the values, principles and ethical standards that govern the behaviour of Nodus individuals and companies.

It establishes the guidelines that must govern ethical behaviour, with regard to relations and interactions with all stakeholders.

Commitment to this code empowers and holds people responsible,

implying that they act responsibly and seriously when faced with evidence of inappropriate practices or behavior.

To this end, Nodus makes available to all its collaborators, clients and suppliers and other third parties, a channel for complaints, which may be made anonymously or personally.

To guarantee the security, reliability and confidentiality of this instrument, the channel is managed by an independent company.



The complaint channel can be accessed here

- Web: https://www.resguarda.com/nodus/main_es.html

- Mail: etica.nodus@resguarda.com

- Free Line: 000-4052-10128